Digital Library / eBooks
A-Z List
- ABCmouse
- A to Z Business and Residential Directories and Job Searches
- Ancestry Genealogy – In-Library Use Only
- Bluebird Language Learning
- Brainfuse Homework HelpNow
- Brainfuse VetNow Benefits and Resources
- Encyclopædia Brittanica Online
- Flipster Digital Magazines
- Fold3 Military Record Database
- Heritage Quest Genealogy
- Hoopla eBooks and Streaming Media
- Kanopy Streaming Films
- Libby eBooks and eAudiobooks
- Mercury News
- Newsbank: America’s News
- NY Times Digital Edition
- O’Reilly Online Learning: Technology eBooks and Courses
- PressReader National and International Newspapers and Magazines
- Pronunciator Language Learning
- Value Line Investment Resources
- Weiss Financial Ratings
eBooks and Streaming Media

“Libby” by Overdrive
Popular fiction & nonfiction eBooks & eAudiobooks. Read on a computer or download the Libby app to your mobile device.

eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital comic books, streaming videos & music. Access by computer or download the Hoopla app on your mobile device. Cardholders can check out up to 5 digital items per month.

Streaming movies, indie films, international cinema, television & documentaries.

O’Reilly Online Learning
eBooks & courses on programming, finance, leadership and more.
News and Magazines Online

East Bay Times
Current and archived full-color issues.

The New York Times
Free digital access with your library card.

Digital premium magazines.

National and international newspapers and magazines

The Mercury News
Free digital access with your library card.

San Francisco Chronicle
Current and archived full-color issues.

NewsBank: America’s News
Local and national newspaper database.

Stockton Record
Current and archived full-color issues.
Student Resources and Language Learning

Brainfuse HelpNow
Brainfuse Homework Help.

Encyclopædia Britannica School Online
Elementary, Middle and High School databases

O’Reilly Online Learning
eBooks & courses on programming, finance, leadership and more.

Bluebird mobile app
Learn up to 163 languages, taught in 143 languages.

Learn up to 163 languages with personalized courses, movies, music and more.

California K-12 Digital Resources
Online content from Encyclopedia Britannica, Gale, ProQuest and Book Connections, provided by the California State Library.
Kid eBooks and Digital Resources

Designed especially for kids ages 2-8, ABCmouse offers 8,500+ activities that teach reading, math, science, health, social studies, art and music. ABCmouse makes learning fun and exciting and it teaches children through books, games, songs, puzzles, videos and more!

“Libby” by Overdrive
Popular fiction & nonfiction eBooks & eAudiobooks. Read on a computer or download the Libby app to your mobile device.

eBooks, eAudiobooks, digital comic books, streaming videos & music. Access by computer or download the Hoopla app on your mobile device.

Brainfuse HelpNow
Brainfuse Homework Help.

Encyclopædia Britannica School Online
Elementary, Middle and High School databases
Career and Investment

A to Z Databases
Job search, reference and mailing list resource.

Value Line
Investment research & education.

O’Reilly Online Learning
O’Reilly Online Learning – eBooks & courses on programming, finance, leadership and more.

Weiss Financial Ratings
Financial literacy and investment tools.
Genealogy and Military History

Ancestry Library Edition
In-library use only.

Military record database.

Heritage Quest
Primary sources, research guides and census maps.

Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society
Serving the Tri-Valley cities of Pleasanton, Livermore and Dublin.