Recycled Water Program

Moving Towards a Sustainable Water Future

In  August of 2016, the City of Pleasanton began the installation of a recycled water distribution system. Dedicated irrigation meters originally serviced with potable water along the new distribution system were converted over to recycled water, saving precious potable water. This project now saves approximately 450,000,000 gallons of potable water now each year!

Property managers and commercial business owners with separate irrigation meters located along the system are encouraged to contact the Recycled Water Program to find out how they can connect to this drought-proof water source. Please call (925) 931-5515 for more information. 

Want to know where the pipes are going?  Click here for a map of the system.

Funding for the City of Pleasanton Recycled Water Project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. The contents of this site do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. (Gov. Code Sec. 7550, 40 CFR Sec. 31.20.)

Benefits of Recycled Water in Your Community

  • Improves the reliability & sustainability of Pleasanton’s water supply.
  • Provides a drought-proof source of water that can be used for landscape irrigation, instead of drinking water.
  • Prevents pollution by reducing the amount of treated waste water discharged into the San Francisco Bay.

Recycled Water & Safety Risks

A Risk Assessment Study of potential health risks from exposure to recycled water was conducted by the WateReuse Association. Learn more about this safe water supply for landscaping by reading through the study results: It would take a child 410,000 years of playing on a lawn watered with recycled water to be exposed to the same amount of caffeine found in one cup of coffee! 

The California Department of Public Health maintains strict regulations for the treatment of recycled water to ensure its safety for all its accepted uses.

Learn more about water reuse (also known as water recycling)

Recycled Water Customer Information

Recycled Water Service

Recycled water service is available to new and existing irrigation customers accessible to the recycled water distribution system, (customers must have designated irrigation meters which supply water strictly to landscaping only). A Recycled Water Use Permit (with an annual $100 permit renewal fee) is required before service.

Benefits of Recycled Water Service:

  • Drought surcharges are not applicable
  • The cost per unit of water is less than the potable water rate
  • Recycled water greatly reduces the need for fertilization of lawns
  • Backflow devices are not required on recycled water serviced lines
  • A water sustainable practice for keeping landscaping healthy

Recycled Water Use Guidelines

Recycled water use is regulated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). It is considered a very safe and beneficial water source for the uses for which it is intended, but not approved for human consumption. To assist users of recycled water, the City has developed Recycled Water Use Guidelines (which have been approved by the RWQCB), with the application process, system requirements, operation and reporting requirements. Recycled water customers are requested to be familiar with the content of these Guidelines.

Recycled Water Forms

How to Contact the Recycled Water Program

City of Pleasanton’s Recycled Water Division is located at the Public Works Department at 3333 Busch Rd.

To reach the Recycled Water Program staff during business hours (7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday-Friday), call (925) 931-5515.