Housing Policy & Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO)
The City of Pleasanton coordinates various functions related to housing, including administration of the City’s various housing programs, as well as development of policies and planning for housing in the community as well as Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO).
Housing Policy
The City of Pleasanton recognizes the value and importance of providing a diverse range of housing opportunities for all sectors of the population. Properly planning for the current and future housing needs of the community and particularly affordable housing, is an important priority, achieved through a range of key local planning and policy documents.
In addition, the City of Pleasanton is involved in efforts at the regional level, with the Tri-Valley Cities of Danville, Dublin, Livermore and San Ramon, to actively engage with and advocate on housing issues and new housing legislation being developed for the Bay Area and California as a whole.
Local Housing Policy: Key Reports, Documents and Resources
Below are a series of key planning and policy documents related to housing in Pleasanton:
- General Plan Housing Element
- 2018 Annual Planning Report (APR)
- Housing Element Sites Standards and Design Guidelines:
- Housing in Pleasanton: A History of Growth and Housing
For more information on residential zoning, planning and building requirements in Pleasanton, please visit the Community Development page.
Regional Housing Policy
The Tri-Valley cities of Dublin, Livermore, Pleasanton, San Ramon and the Town of Danville (also described as the “Tri-Valley Cities”) value regional leadership and collaboration and recognize the challenge of providing adequate and affordable housing opportunities in the region. Recent efforts at the regional level and by State legislators have brought these challenges and the resultant policy implications for the Tri-Valley into sharper focus.
There is a unique opportunity for the Tri-Valley Cities to work together, to develop a collaborative response to influence legislative efforts at the State towards outcomes that address housing needs, while respecting community character and desire for local decision making.
Key Documents and Resources
Housing-Related Development Regulations, Fees, and Nexus Studies
In compliance with California Assembly Bill 1483, the City of Pleasanton has made a best effort to post development impact fees, annual AB1600 reports, nexus studies and other fee-related information about housing on a single webpage, with the goal of informing applicants about the overall costs and applicable regulations when developing housing projects.
Please contact staff in the Building Division at (925) 931-5300 or the Planning Division at (925) 931-5600 in the event you are not able to locate something you are looking for and we would be happy to assist you.
AB1600 – Nexus Studies
- Water and Wastewater Connection Fee Study (October 2024) Draft – Council Consideration & Adoption Scheduled for December 17, 2024
- Development Impact Fee, Commercial Linkage Fee and Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fee Nexus (November 2024) Draft – Council Consideration & Adoption Scheduled for December 17, 2024
- Affordable Housing Fee Analysis for Rental Housing (September 2018)
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - Capital Facility and Transportation Fee Nexus (September 2018)
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - Non-residential Development (September 2018)
Revision Date: 12/10/2019
AB1600 – Development Impact Fees
- Master Fee Schedule
Revision Date: 10/12/2023
AB1600 – Reports
- AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2014-15
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2015-16
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2016-17
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2017-18
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2018-19
Revision Date: 12/10/2019 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2019-20
Revision Date: 4/7/2023 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2020-21
Revision Date: 4/7/2023 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2021-22
Revision Date: 4/7/2023 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2022-23
Revision Date: 11/20/2023 - AB1600 Report Fiscal Year 2023-24
Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance
The City of Pleasanton adopted an Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO) in November 2000. The purpose of the IZO is to enhance public welfare and assure that further housing development attains the City’s affordable housing goals by increasing the number of housing units that are affordable to Very Low, Low and Moderate Income households.
General Requirements
For residential developments (rental or ownership) consisting of 15 or more total units:
- 15% of the units in multiple family developments (e.g., apartments and condominiums) must be affordable to Very Low and Low Income households (50% to 80% of the Area Median Income, or AMI).
- 20% of the units in single family developments must be affordable to Very Low, Low and Moderate Income households (50% to 120% of AMI).
For commercial, office and industrial (non-residential) developments:
- Non-residential developments are encouraged to provide affordable housing units as an alternative to paying the City’s Lower Income Housing Fee.
Incentives for On-Site Construction of Inclusionary Units
- Fee Waiver or Deferral:The City may consider a deferral or waiver of certain development fees and/or building permit fees.
- Design Modifications: The City may consider reduced setbacks, infrastructure requirements, open space requirements, landscaping requirements, interior or exterior amenities and/or parking requirements as well as height restriction waivers.
- Second Mortgages and Other Subsidies: The City may provide second mortgages through its Down Payment Assistant (DPA) program to prospective unit owners or may subsidize the cost of a unit to establish an affordable rent or sales price.
- Priority Processing: Projects may be entitled to Priority processing of Building and Engineering approvals.
Alternatives to Constructing Inclusionary Units On-Site
When the construction of affordable housing units within the same project is found to be impractical or infeasible, the City may consider alternative means to comply with the IZO. Examples of alternate methods of compliance are listed below:
- Off-Site Projects: Must be determined to be consistent with the City’s affordable housing goals.
- Land Dedication:An applicant may dedicate land to the City or to a local nonprofit housing developer in lieu of actual construction of affordable units. Dedicated land must meet City requirements.
- Credit Transfers: Project owners may request inclusionary unit credits in the event a project exceeds the total number of inclusionary units required on a site. These credits can then be used to meet the inclusionary requirement for another project.
- Alternate Methods of Compliance: Applicants may propose creative concepts for meeting the requirements of the IZO in order to bring down the cost of providing inclusionary units on or off site.
- Lower Income Housing Fee Option: In lieu of providing inclusionary units in a project, an applicant may pay the City’s Lower Income Housing Fee (subject to approval by the City Council).
Provisions and Specifications for Inclusionary Units
- Units shall be dispersed throughout the project unless otherwise approved by the City.
- Units shall be constructed with identical exterior materials and an exterior architectural design that is consistent with the market rate units in the project.
- Units may be of smaller size and can also have fewer interior amenities than market rate units.
- Units shall remain affordable according to the term established in the Affordable Housing Agreement.
- All units in a project shall be constructed concurrently within or prior to the construction of the project’s market rate units.
- The City’s adopted preference and priority system will be used to determine eligibility among prospective beneficiaries for affordable housing units created through the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance.
- For purposes of calculating the affordable rent or affordable sales price of an inclusionary unit, the following household size assumptions shall be used for each applicable dwelling unit type:
Unit Size Household Size Studio Unit 1 Person 1 Bedroom Unit 2 Persons 2 Bedroom Unit 3 Persons 3 Bedroom Unit 4 Persons 4 Bedroom Unit 5+ Persons
Application and Review Process
- Applicants must submit an Affordable Housing Proposal (stating the method by which the project will meet IZO requirements) to the Planning Department as part of the City development application. The Affordable Housing Proposal will be reviewed by the City’s Housing Commission prior to final review by the City Council in conjunction with the overall development plan.
- An Affordable Housing Agreement (AHA) establishes the method and terms by which a project will comply with the IZO requirements. The AHA states the methodology for determining a unit’s initial and ongoing rent or sales and resale price(s), resale restrictions, occupancy requirements, eligibility requirements, City incentives (including second mortgages), recapture mechanisms, the administrative process for monitoring unit management to assure going affordability and other matters related to the development and retention of inclusionary units. In addition, the AHA sets forth any waiver of the Lower Income Housing Fee and/or other City fees.
For more information: Contact the City’s Housing Division at (925) 931-5011.

Note: It is illegal for any housing provider to discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, physical handicap, marital status, sexual preference or religion. If you have been unlawfully discriminated against, or you have questions about your rights, contact ECHO Housing at (510) 581-9380 or (925) 449-7340.